Welcome to the Filament Database

This site is intended to be a community resource to provide reference information for 3D printer filaments.

If you see incorrect or missing data please add your changes to the database. If you have any web site bugs, or feature ideas please post them our GitHub Repo or post your thoughts on our new Reddit sub r/3DFilamentProfiles

If you find this site useful and want to help keep it ad-free, please consider supporting us on Patreon. Your (entirely optional) membership will go towards hosting, maintenance and ongoing improvements.

Instructions (click to open)
  • Click on a row to see filament details.
  • To vote on or suggest a new Transmission Distance click on the thumbs up/down button
  • To add a new filament click on the Add Filament button
  • To edit a filament click on the action button in the last column
  • To sort multiple columns, ⇧Shift-Click on column headings
  • * Links with an Amazon logo are affiliate links, any commission from which will be put towards hosting costs
Login to propose edits or add colors
Website/ Price